Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello World 2011 - My Day without Yvette

This site will share most of daily life. Yes a day in day out affair and very random. It will be a 365 days project and I have already decided what to blog.

It can be boring!

Been thinking what should be the best for Yvette despite sending her to full day care for 2 days. My day is now very peaceful without her and yet very lonely in some sense.

I hope she could cope well and I can get a job soon!

In the evening, when Yvette was back home, her nail finally “ready” to drop off! In fact this is the second nail that came out from her toes. She hurt herself during Dec. The door went over her nail while she was trying to close them.


She didn’t cry much. Maybe for about 3-5 mins. She stopped as though nothing had happened!

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P/S: This is the day this blog officially created. But I am going to back date some entries to fill up the missing days!

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